Name | Description | Integrations | Zapier Template Link |
š© Old Way š© Without data in your Copper CRM dashboard, you can't personalize your marketing. š New Way š Leverage Clearbit to enrich your Copper profiles, so they are full of glorious data. | ClearbitCopper | | |
š© Old Way š© You sign up for your competitors newsletters but you get lost in the clutter and can't extract any insights. š New Way š Store your competitor emails in a database, browse the images, extract insights and keep your email inbox clean! | GmailAirtableHTMLtoImageAPI | | |
š© Old Way š© Without data in your ActiveCampaign dashboard, you can't personalize your marketing. š New Way š Leverage Clearbit to enrich your ActiveCampaign profiles, so they are full of glorious data. | ClearbitActiveCampaign | | |
š© Old Way š© You don't have background context on who you are meeting or where they work. So, you waste time on the call or miss opportunities. š New Way š One day before your Calendly meeting, you'll get a Slack message with full details on who you are chatting with! | ClearbitCalendlySlack | |